New Year, Better You

As we embark on a fresh financial year, it's essential to take a step back and look at what went right and wrong during the last financial year. It’s a chance to focus on setting some goals, implementing budgets, and optimising cash flow and staffing strategies. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of setting financial goals, creating budgets, and managing cash flow while effectively staffing your organisation. Let's dive in!

Reflect on the Past Year

Begin by reflecting on the previous year's cash flow and staffing situation. Analyse your cash inflows and outflows, identifying any patterns, challenges, or areas for improvement. Assess your staffing levels, considering factors like productivity, turnover, and the impact on your financial performance. Understanding the past will help you make informed decisions for the upcoming year. 

Define your Goals

Setting clear financial goals is crucial for directing your efforts and resources effectively. Identify your objectives related to cash flow and staffing. For cash flow, goals may include increasing revenue, reducing outstanding receivables, or optimising inventory management. Regarding staffing, goals might involve improving employee productivity, reducing turnover, or enhancing the skill set of your workforce. Write down your goals and ensure they align with your overall financial vision. 

Create a Comprehensive Budget

A well-crafted budget is essential for managing your cash flow and staffing costs. Start by analysing your anticipated revenue sources and forecasted expenses. Be diligent in categorising your expenses, including salaries, benefits, training costs, and other staffing-related expenditures. Allocate sufficient resources for marketing, operations, and other critical areas to support your cash flow goals. Review your budget regularly to ensure you're on track and make adjustments as needed.

Optimise your Cash Flow

Managing cash flow effectively is vital for the financial health of any organisation. Implement strategies such as: 

  1. Streamline Invoicing and Collections

    Send invoices promptly, follow up on payments, and establish clear payment terms. Consider offering incentives for early payment or implementing automated payment systems to accelerate cash inflows.

  2. Control Expenses

    Identify areas where you can reduce costs without compromising quality. Negotiate with suppliers for better terms, analyse recurring expenses, and eliminate unnecessary spending.

  3. Manage Inventory

    Optimise inventory levels to avoid excess stock and minimize holding costs. Implement inventory management systems to ensure you have the right products at the right time.

  4. Cash Reserve

    Establish a cash reserve to provide a buffer for unexpected expenses, revenue fluctuations, and dreaded BAS and Tax bills. Set aside a portion of your profits regularly to build a safety net.

Strategic Staffing

Your workforce plays a significant role in achieving your financial goals. Consider the following strategies: 

  1. Assess Staffing Needs

    Analyse your current workforce and determine if any adjustments are necessary to meet your goals. Consider factors such as workload, skills gaps, and projected growth.

  2. Hiring and Onboarding

    When hiring new staff, ensure you clearly understand their role and how it aligns with your goals. Develop a robust onboarding process to help new employees integrate smoothly into your organisation.

  3. Training and Development

    Invest in your employees' skills through training programs and professional development opportunities. Enhancing their knowledge and expertise can boost productivity and contribute to your financial success.

  4. Retention Strategies

    Employee turnover can be costly. Implement initiatives to improve employee engagement, provide competitive compensation packages, and foster a positive work environment.


As you embark on the new financial year, remember that optimising cash flow and staffing strategies are vital for your organisation's success. Reflect on the past, set clear goals, create a comprehensive budget, and implement strategies to enhance your cash flow and staffing practices. Stay vigilant, monitor your progress regularly, and make adjustments as needed. Wishing you a prosperous new financial year ahead! 

If you need any help with cash flow management, staffing solutions, or planning, our team at Hurney Partners is here to help you. Contact us for personalised advice tailored to your specific needs.

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